Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Three Favorite Fashion Photographers

Horst Diekgerdes creates a fairytale theme with a slight dark side.

Sebastian Kim shows his classic, tasteful fashion shots.

Alessandro Dal Buoni's photos have unmistakable grace and softness.

10 Tips for Fashion Photography

Fashion photography can have one model and one model alone. But, a product can look better with an extra person in the shot.

Try new lighting. Different lighting can cause a dramatic theme and pull attention to the outfit.

Props are a great tool in the fashion photography; use them.

Every good photo needs a good model. Your model shouldn't be sad or anxious, but confident and stunning. 

The background and anything around should bring attention to the clothes.

Try new angles.

The camera isn't the only thing that has to move. Move the model.

Take a chance with either bold colors or dark colors.

Let natural light be your best friend.

Location is key

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Good Food Gone Bad

To create these old, moldy foods, I used the burn, dodge and sponge tool.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Food Sculptures

Food 10 Facts

1. Get up close.
2. Small details make a big difference.
3. Use different angles.
4. Natural light is key.
5. Fill the entire frame.
6. Get into the food.
7. Use a tripod.
8. Clean background.
9. Use simple props.
10. Balance amount of white.

Food for Thought


The first three pictures show food eaten within a week. It amazes me how a family a six can live off of one water bottle, but a family of four can go through 12 bottles of soda. It hits me as inhumane that    food can be so little in places when we see it as an everyday thing. another thing that stabs me in the soul, is the last two pictures: prisoners on death row and their last meals. Both show a huge comfort for the inmates, a final hug before they die. All they wanted was a memory of childhood before they left.